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2025 TIBS College Fair Registration

Registration with Texas IB Schools College Fair 2025 must be done before purchasing a bus pass to the fair.  Please note - We are attending Session 2!  Be sure to select Session 2 when registering.


Plano East has secured bus transportation for a limited number of students to attend the IB College Fair in Hurst on April 3, 2025. 

A Permission Form will be needed for the event.  Complete the Permission form and email or print and return to Ms. Stanton.


Permission Form


Item DescriptionPriceQty
 TIBS Seat Reservation$10.00 
Current Grade (reset)
  • Students will be traveling with chaperones and Ms. Stanton to the IB College Fair in Hurst, Texas, on Thursday, April 3, 2025.

  • Students must be passing their period 3-7 classes and be enrolled in IB courses for the 2025-2026 school year in order to attend.

  • Students will leave Plano East after period 3 and will be excused from periods 4-7. The bus will leave promptly at noon.

  • The bus will return to Plano East between 4:45 and 5:00 p.m. We will ask students to text parents when we are 20 minutes from the school, so please be prompt in picking up your child.

  • Pizza will be provided.  Students can bring additional food for lunch.